General Measure GMT-P1
08 มิถุนายน 2566
ผู้ชม 791 ผู้ชม
สอบถามราคา / ติดต่อขอใบเสนอราคา
General Measure GMT-P1
OIML R76 : e=1 μV/d, 6000e
A/D conversion : 24-bit Delta-Sigma;
Zero adjustment range : 0 to 12mV (Load cell 3mV/V)
Nonlinearity : 0.01% F.S
Maximum input voltage : 0 to 15mV (Load cell 3mV/V)
Minimum sensitivity : 0.01 μV/d
Input impedance : 10M&Omega
Sampling rate : 30/60/120/240/480/960 times/sec.
Display resolution : 1 / 999,999;
Load cell excitation : DC5V, 200mA(Max.), Up to 8 load cells(350Ω) can be connected
Display elements : 7-segment 6-digit red LED
Data display range : 0 to 999,999d;
Status indicators : ZERO, STAB, NET;
Power source voltage : DC24V ± 5%
Power consumption : Approx. 10W
Temperature and humidity : -10℃ to 40℃ / 90% R.H or less(Condensation must be avoided)
Dimensions : 110 × 89 × 60 mm (L×W×H)
Weight : Approx.350g
Panel cut dimensions : 93 x 46mm
Dust/water protection : The IP 65 display when mounted into a panel
Enclosure : ABS front panel, aluminum case.
Serial interface : Standard RS-232/RS485 interface
Analog output : 0-5V, 0-10V, 4-20mA , 0-24mA , 0-20mA , User Define
Ethernet : Modbus TCP